Hey Parents!

Fed up with the lack of control with the Youtube and Youtube kids apps?

HopPad is the answer you have been looking for!

Take control of what your kids watch on Youtube. Finally!

Sign up today!

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Coming soon to iPads and iPhones

You Need More Control

As parents, we struggled with the Youtube app and the Youtube Kids app. Youtube has a wealth of great content for kids! But using the regular Youtube app is too risky for young kids since there is just too much inappropriate content that is one click away. The Youtube Kids app limits the amount of risky content but it also limits much of the good stuff!

There is a better way. Try HopPad today and you can take back control and make your kids happier at the same time!


It's OK to give your kids Youtube! We all do!

But you need to be very careful

It's Super Easy to Manage Your Kid's Youtube!


Step 1
Sign up on hoppad.com and add as many playlists as you like. These will be the videos that your kid can watch.

Step 2
Download the HopPad app on your kid's iPad, iPhone, or Android and log in with your parent account that you just created. Subscribe to the monthly or annual plan. That's it!

Step 3
Now you have a happy kid who has unlimited access to the videos that you have approved. And no access to the videos that you didn't.